Videos tagged with Law & History Society

  • Rawn James, Jr. '01 discusses his most recent book, "The Double V." James, an attorney in Washington, D.C., explores the history of the struggle for equality in the military and how this struggle gave rise to and supported the fight for equality in civilian society. This was a National Library Week event recognizing a law school alum and author, and was co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library, the Black Law Students Association (BLSA), the Law & History Society, and the Veterans Disability Assistance Project.

  • Professor John D. Inazu, Duke University School of Law, presents "The Forgotten Freedom of Assembly." The freedom of assembly has been at the heart of some of the most important social movements in American history, but in the past thirty years it has become little more than a historical footnote in American political theory and law. In this lecture, based on his forthcoming book, Liberty's Refuge, Professor Inazu argues for a return to the freedom of assembly and the destabilizing difference that it brings. Sponsored by the Law & History Society.

  • Professor Emily Kadens, University of Texas at Austin School of Law, will present "The Last Bankrupt Hanged: Capital Punishment for Bankruptcy in 18th-Century England." This lecture frames the history of the Anglo-American bankruptcy tradition as a search for solutions to the basic problem: how to obtain the assistance of the debtor in his financial dismantling. Sponsored by the Law & History Society, the Duke Law Journal, the Business Law Society, and the Women Law Students Association.

    Recorded on January 13, 2010.

  • The Center for International and Comparative Law and the Kenan Institute for Ethics in association with the Law & History Society, International Law Society, ICCSN, Human Rights Law Society, and BLSA invite all students to join, from The Hague, Judge Patrick Robinson of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (President, 2008-2011). Judge Robinson will discuss the role of the ICTY and international criminal courts in the pursuit of justice and reconciliation.

  • The Law & History Society and Haiti Legal Advocacy Project invite all students to join Professor Laurent Dubois for a conversation about the Haitian legal system and its contentious development from the Haitian Revolution to the 2010 earthquake. Laurent Dubois is a leading historian of Haiti and is the Marcello Lotti Professor of Romance Studies and History at Duke.

  • A panel discussion on the 50th anniversary of the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut, a landmark case protecting both privacy and reproductive rights. This panel features Professor Neil Siegel (Duke Law), Professor Katharine Bartlett (Duke Law), Professor Maxine Eichner (UNC Law School), and Kristine Kippins (Center for Reproductive Rights) discussing historical and current issues in reproductive justice.